Enroll Today for our 2024 - 2025 Session
Classes Begin Thursday January 2nd
Welcome to the Silver Stars Family!
The coaching staff is dedicated to providing your child with a fun, comprehensive, and overall safe gymnastics experience. To ensure that each child receives the most from their experience at Silver Stars, please see the following information.
Proper Attire:
Simple rules for Gym Safety:
Drop off/Pick Up/Lobby:
We look forward to an exciting year with your child! If you have any questions, please feel free to speak with any of our staff members!
Class Program Policies
Trial Class: At Silver Stars, we are sure you will love your experience here, we offer a Risk-Free Trial Class. You and your child can determine if our program is right for you. If you and your child are not satisfied with our program, the class that you took is of no charge. If you enjoyed your experience, and we know you will, then you can register for your class program. The class taken as a trial will be included in the first month's tuition.
Class Tuition and Payment: Payments are due on the 1st of each month.
Missed Classes/Changes: You MUST notify us of any absence, changes or time off.
Class Policies:
** All of our students are signed up for their class throughout the entire school year (September-June) unless notice is given to our office. **
Sick Policy
At Silver Stars Gymnastics we aim to provide every child with a fun and safe class/ team environment. Bringing your child to gymnastics class/team with any of the symptoms listed below puts them at risk of injury and puts other children and coaches at risk of getting sick.
If you keep your children home when they are sick, Silver Stars will have healthier and happier gymnasts!
If your child exhibits any of these symptoms they may be asked to leave class/team so please keep them at home to rest:
*Silver Stars Gymnastics policy is that children MUST be fever free & symptom-free for 24 hrs before entering back into the gym*
Phone/Text: 631-444-0800
Email: info@silverstarsgym.com
Location: 62 Route 25A Setauket NY, 11733
Phone/Text: 631-444-0800
Email: info@silverstarsgym.com
Location: 62 Route 25A Setauket NY, 11733
All Rights Reserved | Silver Stars Gymnastics
Created by Dee Nick Media, Inc.